Are you looking for a Crestron programmer? Finding a Crestron programmer in your area is typically not too hard. You can go to the Crestron website, input your ZIP code and find one or more Crestron programmer near you. What can prove to be a little more difficult, however, is to find a Crestron programmer to work on an existing system in your home or commercial building.
Maybe you had a Crestron system installed a few years back and want to take advantage of some newer technology, or maybe you have some additional needs that your original system doesn’t address. Another case may be that you moved into a new-to-you home that previously had a Creston system installed, and it either isn’t working properly or it isn’t working the way you might want it to.
Finding a Crestron programmer to troubleshoot and work on a system that they didn’t originally program can feel next to impossible. Most programmers you call with either refuse to work on an existing system, or they will try to talk you into ripping everything out and starting from scratch with all new hardware.
Matt Grisafe, owner of AV Programming Associates, is one of the few Crestron programmers who is willing to update existing systems. He explains, “Because we have been in the programming business for more than 20 years, we are uniquely equipped to work with older Crestron equipment. We have experience working with every generation of Crestron hardware, and know how to troubleshoot issues with older systems.”
Grisafe continued, “In most cases, there’s no need to tear out an existing system and start from scratch, even though another Crestron programmer may have told them otherwise. Instead, we can often do strategic upgrades to an existing system that will give our client all of the functionality they’re looking for in an automation and control system. If we recommend a complete re-do of a Crestron system, it’s because it is really necessary to meet the client’s needs. We always do our best to provide our clients with the functionality they need in the most cost-effective way possible.”
When you have a Crestron system that needs some additional programming, it is always wise to get more than one opinion on the best course of action.
Working with an experienced Crestron programmer on a take-over project is key! You want to have a programmer on your side who has programmed in many different environments and worked with all types of hardware. It is also extremely helpful to work with a programmer who is skilled in troubleshooting and will stick with an issue until it is resolved.
AV Programming Associated (AVPA) is headquartered in the Lake Tahoe area, but serves all of the United States. Their team has even travelled overseas for special Crestron programming projects.